Windows Password Remover is professional Windows password recovery software to reset lost Windows administrator and user passwords for you to log into Windows instantly without reinstalling the OS. It supports to reset passwords of all Windows versions, like Windows 7, Windows Vista, XP, 2008, 2003 and 2000, etc.
Burn the iso in a cd, that will work during the boot process and instantly reset/ remove Administrator or other *** passwords and Windows security settings that prevent you from logging in.
Kehilangan password windows?atau bahkan lupa sandinya?
Gunakan tool ini, password anda akan ter-reset dan bisa login kembali ke windows.

Instruksi :
Softwarenya berekstensi *.iso, jadi bakar dulu ke CD, setelah itu reboot dengan CD tersebut dan ikuti instruksinya.
Pass : bangdroid
Download Link | Mediafire
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